Monday, July 26, 2010

My Yorkiepoo, Chloe, died of her Liver Shunt

The last few months, I was forced to syringe feed my 6.5yr old Yorkie poo. Because she was on SO much medicine, she needed to have her tummy full. For those of you who do not know, Chloe was born with a Liver Shunt.

My family had noticed that Chloe was no longer the same; she would hide more than usual and drank very little. Because of the pain and her neurological damage (caused by the seizures) she was scared and confused by the simplest of things. I wanted to believe that this was a phase, as she has gone through this before. However, after many months I could not nurse her back to health. I had tried EVERYTHING to do so.

Chloe eventually stopped drinking. She stopped asking for a walk. I would take her and she would be too frightened. This was so unusual for Chloe, as she LOVED WALKING more than life. This killed our hearts as we loved her like a child. I have nursed her back to help a least 100 times and she went with us everywhere. We all new that Chloe was at her end.

I called my local vet, and made a special time for my husband and I to bring Chloe in.
Before we left, I carried her to the park (her favorite place to go). We sat underneath the tree as we had done 1000 times before. I thanked Chloe for ALL the joy, laughter and love she brought to our family. I touched every inch of her body, trying to memorize it. We must have sat under that tree for 30min.

My husband and I drove her to the clinic. We were directed to a tiny room where the Vet set up the IV. The Vet gave Chloe to me to hold. Chloe and I sat on a small bench as I cradled her like a baby with her belly up- Chloe loved when I held her like an infant! I told her how much I loved her as and that she was a GOOD GIRL as the vet streamed the death cocktail through her IV. He declared her dead, but I knew she wasn't gone quite yet. I asked to hold Chloe a little bit longer. Her body was still study and her eyes still seemed to be focused intensely on a fixture. I kissed her head and nose. I then handed her over to my husband. She lasted but a minute, then she completely let go in my husbands arms. Every muscle within her body went limp. Her eyes went to the side and her tongue was sticking out of her tiny little mouth. We knew she was gone.

My husband and I cried. I am still grieving in my own way as I have never lost someone this close to me. Yes, I have lost grandparents, great uncles and aunts, even a friend or two. But losing Chloe seems to hurt worse. CHLOE AND I WERE SO CLOSE. I loved her so much and she loved me back. I had never owned a dog before nor did I care for animals much. BUT, Chloe changed that for me; I became an animal lover. I believe Chloe taught me how to love unconditionally. God Bless her as heaven has one more angel. Chloe, I will meet you on the other side where the green grass grows and grows. Mommy loves you.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

#RHOBH Psychic Lady's E-Cigarette Inspired TheLabeau to investigate

Remember Last Season's Real House Wifes of Beverly Hills Episode when the ladies sit down for dinner a Ms Grammers House and the 'Psychic' Red Head sucks on the ridculous E-Cig? Well, smoking is nasty and so was she but, it got me thinking...
Over the summer many Trendy ladies were sucking on these E-Cigs in the Laguna Beach Bars. Forgive me, but I will occasionally smoke when I drink which inspired me to inquire and ask for a few recommendations. Over the last 6 months I conducted my own research.
I did invest about $1,000 trying products. Why? Because I am neurotic, a perfectionist and want the best bang for my buck. Long Story short, I love em. However, I encountered a few hiccups along the way and would like to share.
First, most of them are made in China so they break easily, second half the time the refills are not accessible because many distributors are small and here today but gone tomorrow. Lastly, many E-Cigs are weak, meaning they will leave you unsatisfied. I will skip through the ones that I purchased that were problems and go straight directly to the good stuff.
Ms. Prettys Pick: E-Cigs from Dragonfly, being the only vendor who has speedy shipping, a flawless return policy and are happy to send replacements within 30days. I have been more than pleased with their customer service and have been recommending them for all E-Cig purchases! I have joined their affiliate program to save you 7% on your order. Im not making much profit (7% and I am donating it). I love their E-Cigs, they look PRETTY and I highly recommend them. Just click on the banner below and they will take great care of you!

Dragonfly eCigs

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pedicures and Ingrown toenails: Surgery

Over the years, my friends and hubby described how traumatic their ingrown toenail surgeries were. Sharing how big needles were, the insane procedure, and how awful the pain was afterwards. I was warned, numerous times, to be careful when getting a pedicure because they are usually the root cause of ingrown nails. Their experiences didn’t keep me away from the Local Nail Shops; I like the “manicurist’ clipping and nipping my nails. After all, what woman doesn’t like to have beautiful feet?
The last year or so, I noticed that my big toes were ingrown and becoming painful. But no biggie, since I am a Medical Doctor and all, I took the matter in my own hands. I decided to fix them myself, meaning I tried to pull the ingrown nail from under the skin. This was a disaster! It caused them to bleed like crazy and I still couldn’t get the damn ingrown nails out.
Being that I am the biggest baby on the planet, I just bandaged my bleeding toes up and figured they would magically heal; but it was a no go. I called my insurance and they gave a list of specialist. I choose a place called Access Wound Care and Podiatry Care. Right off the bat, I explained to receptionist that I was a true cry baby and had no tolerance for pain, what so ever. I think she felt sorry for me as she consoled me and then referred me to the doctor for babies like me, Dr. Nick Nguyen DPM. My appt was set for Saturday the 27th 9am.
When I arrived at my appt, he promptly looked at my toes and prepared for the procedure. I shocked, as I was not prepared for what was coming. I said that both big toes were ingrown. He would need to cut them out. I was nervous and he said that he is good at the procedure and it is his favorite one to do-hmmm…
I sat back and tried not to look and what was going on. First, he froze my toes with a cooling spray; next he pricked needles around the toenail. Then he tied a band tightly around each toe. Next he went completely under my toenail and began cutting them out. Both Sides, down to the bottom. They were bleeding like crazy; he bandaged them up and gave me the nails that he took out as a souvenir. He scheduled a follow up appt for 2 weeks and told me to stay off my feet for a day or so and soak my feet 20 min a day.
I have to say, the Doctor was excellent at the procedure. It did not hurt at all. However, it did hurt afterwards. I would recommend him to anyone.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

How the E-Cigarette works

How the E-Cigarette works:
There are several types of e-cigarettes, but don't be intimated!!! Yes, there are many different brands and types. BUT, it comes down to it this: Most E-Cigarettes have 3 simple components, that attach together: an atomizer, cartridge and a battery.
Atomizer: A piece that heats up your cartridge and it has a life span of 3+ months. Cheap to replace.
Cartridge: A small mouth piece that is pre-filled with polyester. You can purchase them in MANY different Flavors and Strengths. For Example, an 18mg cartridge is equivalent to 10 Marlboro Light cigarettes. A 24mg Cartridge is equivalent to 10 Marlboro mediums. They come in different flavors, ranging from your favorite cigarette brand to Watermelon!
Battery: A long piece that attaches to the atomizer. I seem to get a 5hrs out of mine; keep in mind that if you’re using the E-Cig alot then the battery life will be shorter. Then it must be recharged. I ordered an awesome Starter Kit to rotate the batteries as I go. If you choose to do the same, then I Highly recommend The Dragon Fly Starter JOY510 Kit, the package includes 2 batteries, 2 atomizers, a charger and cartridges.
As you use your E-Cigarette you may continue to buy cartridges or you will decide to refill your own. If you decide to refill your own, make sure to save your empty cartages as you go. This way you will have plenty of them to refill-and you will not have to purchase them again! Cartridges are EASY to refill with E-Juice. This is defiantly the cheaper way to go!!! E-Juice comes in all different strengths and Flavors.
How to refill an empty cartridge: Simply drop your E-Juice inside of a polyester filled cartage until it fills up, then you’re ready to rock! Along the way be sure to change that polyester every week, a little sooner if you use your e-cig alot. TIP: The polyester is sold at JoAnnes or Michaels- it's just pillow stuffing, unfortunately, it is sold in a big ass bag, so you will have enough for a lifetime. Disclaimer: Using E-Juice is Easy, Fun and Flavorful! I purchase my E-Juice from The Totally Wicked Shop as they meet all Federal Standards and quality control, they only use quality nicotine.
Disclaimer: There are an abundant amount of poor quality products out there, trust me I've purchased many of them. So, be careful what you buy. The websites I mentioned are tried and True. I have purchased MANY items from these sites and love them all.

Totally Wicked Products:
You can use the Promotional Code: 95AB3, you will receive a 7% discount at checkout.

Dragon Fly Products: click the box link below
Dragonfly eCigs

Friday, March 26, 2010

Totally Wicked- Premium Electronic cigarettes and AWESOME E-liquid and cartridges

It was love at first sight. To smoke a cigarette without the odor, harmful fillers and additives, and no with no secondhand smoke. I have missed smoke inside the house and in public places. Thats why I entered the world of E-Cigarettes. The benefits were worth the exploration and its cost. However, it did take alot of trial and error. It was difficult finding the products that completely satisified my smoking censation.
After numerous atttempts a ton of money, I have found the very best e-cigarette products. My research consisted of ordering from 4 different websites and physically and purchasing 3 e-cigarettes and their cartridges from 3 different retail Smoke Shops. I found that most smoke shops are not selling them, as most of them acted like they had no idea of what they were or they say the"profit margin is too small to carry them". My local Smoke shop owner told me that the warrenty on the e-product are too problematic for him. ,As most the e-cigarettes he sold fell apart or broke down. So, he stopped selling them.
Additionally, I had a chat with the Largest Cigarette and Cigar Retail Seller and Wholesaler Vendor in California. He confirmed "that the profit margin on e-products are minimal, and many e-cig companies carry poorly made e-cigarettes and e-cartridges". He also mentioned that most of the products come from oversees.
My journey to find the ideal product included lots of money $1500 and tons of reading and research on chemicals. However, it was worth it! I have 2 Vendors that carry reputable products and they follow all USA regulations.

1. Totally Wicked Products:
You can use the Promotional Code: 95AB3, you will recieve a 7% discount at checkout.

2. Dragon Fly Products: link below
Dragonfly eCigs

I hope my research can help any one looking for a great E-Cigarette Experience

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Yorkiepoo was purchased from Anna Bernadani

People ask me all the time: 'where did you get your dog?'. She is extremely sweet and cute. My dog Chloe, who is a second child to me was born with seizures and a livershunt. To Date, she is 6yr old, Chloe was sold to me by a Anna Bernadani Pet store- She is always changing the shops name, I think it is called Maltipoos and More now.

Chloe was born with a Liver shunt, that is a congenital defect. Chloe's has days were she has pain. She has had scans and biopsies, totalling $5,000. Then finally we obtained her diagnoses. For 5yrs she has been on 3 different medications, 2 to 3 times a day. Most the time she has to be fed by a syringe. Many vets/emergency clinics milked my situation for every penny we had. The only Vet that has been our Angel is Doctor Steve Liebal at Hermosa Animal Hospital on the City of Hermosa Beach, CA. He immediately knew what was wrong, charged fairly for the biopsy and test and gave me free samples of meds when he could. God Bless him.

As it turns out there is a large community in Southern California that has banned together to try to stop Anna Bernadani, including SEACCA.
Many of us had purchased puppy's from Anna Bernadani. Turns out, She has a list of violations a mile long, from docking tails without a license to selling puppy's with parvo, and congenital defects such as bad livers. She runs a glorified puppy grooming and dog retail store, but looks are very deceiving. A couple years there was a CBS story done on her named: "Selling Sick Pets?" (CBS2 undercover investigation)

You can find many articles about her on the Internet, she has been in and out of court, charged with multiple counts and yet again "HER BUSINESS IS STILL THRIVING". I have included some more info about her, just in case anyone is interested.

The experiences told in these Ripoff Reports are not very different from what I dealt with:


"Selling Sick Pets?" (CBS2 undercover investigation)

There is a lot more about Anna that you can find online. She has operated under many names:
-Anna Berardini
-Anna Beradini
-Anna Bernadini
-Anna Gabriel
-Anna's Pet Grooming
-Norwalk Pet Grooming
-California Cockapoos
-Cockapoo Connection
-MaltiPoos and More

Furthermore, its not just Anna Bernadini who is selling sick puppies. Unfortunately, its everywhere. We had purchased a dog in a mall store a few years back. The poor guy had a Kennel Cough and was really sick, he never did get better. AND WE DIDN'T write about him on the Internet.
What I would like to stress is that anyone looking for a dog should really do there homework on its background. Not just superficially either.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Priceless Barbie Photo

I found this photo on the internet. I thought it was classic.

E-Cig Update

I wanted to share that I am still using my E-Cig (510). I love it and it has almost replaced my smoking habit. I am down to smoking only 2 cigs a day-this is good considering that I was smoking almost a pack a day before. I truly love the E-Cig because I can use it in the house without the smell. Also, it only omits 1% of nicotine in the air the rest is 99% water vapor. This means that I am not taking in all of the chemicals and additives in a traditional cigarette.
It takes a bit to get used to the feel of an E-Cig. It is heavier than a real cig. Other than that it gratifies my need to smoke.
I have been spending alot of money though. I have been trying different brands, trying to find the best liquids, cartridges and E-Cig for me. The liquids come in all different flavors as well as different nicotine levels. The products have been ordered from outside the US as well as within.
I will post some of my findings if anyone is interested.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby of Mine

My daughter's birthday is on the 20th. I am so proud of the girl that we have raised. She has been through quite alot in her short lifetime. Her biological father and I divorced when she was four. Prior to that she witnessed a lot of heart break and disappointment. She witnessed her biological father abuse me, even though I tried to hide it from her. She watched her bio father get arrested at gun point, visited him in jail and so on. I tried leaving her bio father many times. It finally came to true end in 2002 when the Judge awarded me full custody and took away her bio father visitation. Soon after, I had met my second husband-who she calls Dad. They are so remarkably close, there bond is unbreakable.
I realize how lucky I am. I grew up a stepchild myself and hated my stepfather. My daughter has always loved with open arms. She is full of life and forgiveness. She has taught me so much. I believe her to be 'an old soul'. She is wise beyond her years. I couldn't ask for a better child.
Watching her get older breaks my heart. I am so proud of who she is, but I cant help but to feel that she is 'slipping away' as she gains more Independence. Don't get me wrong, we are still close. She is just growing up and it seems to be happening all to quickly. One day they are in diapers and the next they are entering JR High.
I want to pull her tighter to me and never let her go. But, I know it is my job as a mother to teach her Independence and personal responsibility.
I cherish each moment with her. I try to ingrain memories and keep pushing forward.
I thank god that I have her. She has been my reason for breathing.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Impressed with the E-Cig

To my surprise and even dismay... I am liking the E-Cigarette. Yes, it gimmicky and a bit heavy. But, it brings back the "good old days" where one could smoke just about anywhere. The best part is that it is ONLY Nicotine, no other chemicals.
Also, my family likes it because I smell better too :)
I purchased a generic version of a 510, it was called the "Health E-Cigarette". I was told when I bought it that there was no warranty. I was okay with this because it was $29.00 and I didn't know if I would really use it.
Now, I would say that it is replacing my regular usage to 75% of the time. Which is great. I would like to try a few other forms of the e-cig. After some research I found that there are many other, if not better, options. But, we will see.