Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pedicures and Ingrown toenails: Surgery

Over the years, my friends and hubby described how traumatic their ingrown toenail surgeries were. Sharing how big needles were, the insane procedure, and how awful the pain was afterwards. I was warned, numerous times, to be careful when getting a pedicure because they are usually the root cause of ingrown nails. Their experiences didn’t keep me away from the Local Nail Shops; I like the “manicurist’ clipping and nipping my nails. After all, what woman doesn’t like to have beautiful feet?
The last year or so, I noticed that my big toes were ingrown and becoming painful. But no biggie, since I am a Medical Doctor and all, I took the matter in my own hands. I decided to fix them myself, meaning I tried to pull the ingrown nail from under the skin. This was a disaster! It caused them to bleed like crazy and I still couldn’t get the damn ingrown nails out.
Being that I am the biggest baby on the planet, I just bandaged my bleeding toes up and figured they would magically heal; but it was a no go. I called my insurance and they gave a list of specialist. I choose a place called Access Wound Care and Podiatry Care. Right off the bat, I explained to receptionist that I was a true cry baby and had no tolerance for pain, what so ever. I think she felt sorry for me as she consoled me and then referred me to the doctor for babies like me, Dr. Nick Nguyen DPM. My appt was set for Saturday the 27th 9am.
When I arrived at my appt, he promptly looked at my toes and prepared for the procedure. I shocked, as I was not prepared for what was coming. I said that both big toes were ingrown. He would need to cut them out. I was nervous and he said that he is good at the procedure and it is his favorite one to do-hmmm…
I sat back and tried not to look and what was going on. First, he froze my toes with a cooling spray; next he pricked needles around the toenail. Then he tied a band tightly around each toe. Next he went completely under my toenail and began cutting them out. Both Sides, down to the bottom. They were bleeding like crazy; he bandaged them up and gave me the nails that he took out as a souvenir. He scheduled a follow up appt for 2 weeks and told me to stay off my feet for a day or so and soak my feet 20 min a day.
I have to say, the Doctor was excellent at the procedure. It did not hurt at all. However, it did hurt afterwards. I would recommend him to anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Nail surgery is probably one of the most feared procedures carried out by a medical professional. As you say the procedure itself is painless and the healing process is very quick.
