Saturday, July 24, 2010

#RHOBH Psychic Lady's E-Cigarette Inspired TheLabeau to investigate

Remember Last Season's Real House Wifes of Beverly Hills Episode when the ladies sit down for dinner a Ms Grammers House and the 'Psychic' Red Head sucks on the ridculous E-Cig? Well, smoking is nasty and so was she but, it got me thinking...
Over the summer many Trendy ladies were sucking on these E-Cigs in the Laguna Beach Bars. Forgive me, but I will occasionally smoke when I drink which inspired me to inquire and ask for a few recommendations. Over the last 6 months I conducted my own research.
I did invest about $1,000 trying products. Why? Because I am neurotic, a perfectionist and want the best bang for my buck. Long Story short, I love em. However, I encountered a few hiccups along the way and would like to share.
First, most of them are made in China so they break easily, second half the time the refills are not accessible because many distributors are small and here today but gone tomorrow. Lastly, many E-Cigs are weak, meaning they will leave you unsatisfied. I will skip through the ones that I purchased that were problems and go straight directly to the good stuff.
Ms. Prettys Pick: E-Cigs from Dragonfly, being the only vendor who has speedy shipping, a flawless return policy and are happy to send replacements within 30days. I have been more than pleased with their customer service and have been recommending them for all E-Cig purchases! I have joined their affiliate program to save you 7% on your order. Im not making much profit (7% and I am donating it). I love their E-Cigs, they look PRETTY and I highly recommend them. Just click on the banner below and they will take great care of you!

Dragonfly eCigs

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