Monday, July 26, 2010

My Yorkiepoo, Chloe, died of her Liver Shunt

The last few months, I was forced to syringe feed my 6.5yr old Yorkie poo. Because she was on SO much medicine, she needed to have her tummy full. For those of you who do not know, Chloe was born with a Liver Shunt.

My family had noticed that Chloe was no longer the same; she would hide more than usual and drank very little. Because of the pain and her neurological damage (caused by the seizures) she was scared and confused by the simplest of things. I wanted to believe that this was a phase, as she has gone through this before. However, after many months I could not nurse her back to health. I had tried EVERYTHING to do so.

Chloe eventually stopped drinking. She stopped asking for a walk. I would take her and she would be too frightened. This was so unusual for Chloe, as she LOVED WALKING more than life. This killed our hearts as we loved her like a child. I have nursed her back to help a least 100 times and she went with us everywhere. We all new that Chloe was at her end.

I called my local vet, and made a special time for my husband and I to bring Chloe in.
Before we left, I carried her to the park (her favorite place to go). We sat underneath the tree as we had done 1000 times before. I thanked Chloe for ALL the joy, laughter and love she brought to our family. I touched every inch of her body, trying to memorize it. We must have sat under that tree for 30min.

My husband and I drove her to the clinic. We were directed to a tiny room where the Vet set up the IV. The Vet gave Chloe to me to hold. Chloe and I sat on a small bench as I cradled her like a baby with her belly up- Chloe loved when I held her like an infant! I told her how much I loved her as and that she was a GOOD GIRL as the vet streamed the death cocktail through her IV. He declared her dead, but I knew she wasn't gone quite yet. I asked to hold Chloe a little bit longer. Her body was still study and her eyes still seemed to be focused intensely on a fixture. I kissed her head and nose. I then handed her over to my husband. She lasted but a minute, then she completely let go in my husbands arms. Every muscle within her body went limp. Her eyes went to the side and her tongue was sticking out of her tiny little mouth. We knew she was gone.

My husband and I cried. I am still grieving in my own way as I have never lost someone this close to me. Yes, I have lost grandparents, great uncles and aunts, even a friend or two. But losing Chloe seems to hurt worse. CHLOE AND I WERE SO CLOSE. I loved her so much and she loved me back. I had never owned a dog before nor did I care for animals much. BUT, Chloe changed that for me; I became an animal lover. I believe Chloe taught me how to love unconditionally. God Bless her as heaven has one more angel. Chloe, I will meet you on the other side where the green grass grows and grows. Mommy loves you.

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