Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby of Mine

My daughter's birthday is on the 20th. I am so proud of the girl that we have raised. She has been through quite alot in her short lifetime. Her biological father and I divorced when she was four. Prior to that she witnessed a lot of heart break and disappointment. She witnessed her biological father abuse me, even though I tried to hide it from her. She watched her bio father get arrested at gun point, visited him in jail and so on. I tried leaving her bio father many times. It finally came to true end in 2002 when the Judge awarded me full custody and took away her bio father visitation. Soon after, I had met my second husband-who she calls Dad. They are so remarkably close, there bond is unbreakable.
I realize how lucky I am. I grew up a stepchild myself and hated my stepfather. My daughter has always loved with open arms. She is full of life and forgiveness. She has taught me so much. I believe her to be 'an old soul'. She is wise beyond her years. I couldn't ask for a better child.
Watching her get older breaks my heart. I am so proud of who she is, but I cant help but to feel that she is 'slipping away' as she gains more Independence. Don't get me wrong, we are still close. She is just growing up and it seems to be happening all to quickly. One day they are in diapers and the next they are entering JR High.
I want to pull her tighter to me and never let her go. But, I know it is my job as a mother to teach her Independence and personal responsibility.
I cherish each moment with her. I try to ingrain memories and keep pushing forward.
I thank god that I have her. She has been my reason for breathing.

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