Thursday, March 4, 2010

E-Cig Update

I wanted to share that I am still using my E-Cig (510). I love it and it has almost replaced my smoking habit. I am down to smoking only 2 cigs a day-this is good considering that I was smoking almost a pack a day before. I truly love the E-Cig because I can use it in the house without the smell. Also, it only omits 1% of nicotine in the air the rest is 99% water vapor. This means that I am not taking in all of the chemicals and additives in a traditional cigarette.
It takes a bit to get used to the feel of an E-Cig. It is heavier than a real cig. Other than that it gratifies my need to smoke.
I have been spending alot of money though. I have been trying different brands, trying to find the best liquids, cartridges and E-Cig for me. The liquids come in all different flavors as well as different nicotine levels. The products have been ordered from outside the US as well as within.
I will post some of my findings if anyone is interested.

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