Sunday, February 7, 2010

Impressed with the E-Cig

To my surprise and even dismay... I am liking the E-Cigarette. Yes, it gimmicky and a bit heavy. But, it brings back the "good old days" where one could smoke just about anywhere. The best part is that it is ONLY Nicotine, no other chemicals.
Also, my family likes it because I smell better too :)
I purchased a generic version of a 510, it was called the "Health E-Cigarette". I was told when I bought it that there was no warranty. I was okay with this because it was $29.00 and I didn't know if I would really use it.
Now, I would say that it is replacing my regular usage to 75% of the time. Which is great. I would like to try a few other forms of the e-cig. After some research I found that there are many other, if not better, options. But, we will see.

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